Friday Short Stacks are light weight nuggets of content that are little more digestible than my usual 2400 word behemoths. This week, my four favorite books on self-improvement. If you feel stuck in a rut or that your personal evolution has stagnated, the answers may lie in these weighty tomes.
Friday Short Stack

Business School Mini-Lesson: What Is A Synergy?
In this post, I tackle one of the most maligned – but, ultimately, vital – terms in business strategy: the infamous synergy. It’s an awful, awful, AWFUL word. But understanding what a synergy is and how to leverage it is crucial.

Friday Short Stack, September 30th Edition
Friday Short Stack posts are shorter, more bite-sized pieces – a little nugget of buttery knowledge before you head off for the weekend. Because everybody love pancakes! This week, it’s three of my favorite books for developing your “soft skills” – those esoteric abilities that help you work with (and in some cases around) people and their hang-ups, quirks, and egos. These are the three books that have provided me with the most utility, personally and professionally. If you find yourself struggling managing up, managing down, or just getting along, you could do worse than these weighty tomes.

5 Vital Business Principles in the Form of Pithy Quotes
I. Love. Aphorisms. Sure some are pure hogwash. But the really good ones convey a lot of truth in a small space. In this post, I gathered 5 of my favorite quotes, and explain how they relate to effective management.