Marketing Resources - Breaking The Wheel
Full disclosure: this page makes use of Amazon affiliate links. If you use those links to purchase their respective products, Breaking the Wheel will make a small commission (that comes out of Amazon’s pockets, not yours). In short, purchasing these weighty tomes of knowledge helps support the blog at no cost to you. I am only putting up products that I believe in and that I think can benefit you. Strategic Marketing Management, 8th Edition, Alexander Chernev The Kellogg School of Management is one of, if not the premier business school for marketing. Strategic Marketing Management is the textbook used in the core marketing management class. It’s dry as the desert and has all of the charisma and flair of a stereo system’s user manual. But it’s comprehensive, covering the entire spectrum of marketing activities, from analyzing the strategic and tactical environments, market segmentation, channel distribution and advertising. The lack[...]