Monday Menagerie, October 10th Edition - Breaking The Wheel
On Monday Menagerie, I share the best articles I find around the webnet. This week, how to improve work-life balance at your company, how to tame negative self-talk, and the dangers of pushing employees to go the extra mile. How to Improve Work-Life Balance at Your Company by Alison DeNisco “In a 2014 study published in the American Sociological Review, researchers conducted an experiment at a Fortune 500 company with nearly 700 employees. More than 25% logged more than 50 hours per week. The researchers separated employees into two groups: In one, they were given control over when and where they worked, and their supervisors explicitly stated the importance of family and personal lives. The other group’s working conditions remained the same. Over six months, the people in the experimental group experienced a significant reduction in work-family conflict, and reported feeling that they now had adequate time to spend with[...]
Justin Fischer